In order for each child at the Center to reach their goals, it is important that the following guidelines of the Center be followed. By signing this form, the child and their parent(s)/guardian agree to follow these expectations and know that violations of these guidelines could result in removal from the programs at the Center.
If students engage in any of the following behaviors, parents will be contacted leading to possible dismissal:
Students must be involved in academic work at the time it is scheduled; if they do not have homework, students will be expected to read or engage in an enrichment project from the staff related to the student’s academic needs.
At John 23 Educational Center, we prioritize creating a conducive learning environment that fosters focus, engagement, and respectful communication. In line with these goals, the following cell phone policy has been established for middle school and high school students:
1. Cell Phone Usage during Afterschool Program:
Cell phones must be turned off or set to silent mode.Cell phones are not permitted to be used for any purpose during sessions, including texting, calling, or browsing, unless the student is given specific permission to use it by Center staff.
2. Restrictions on Cell Phone Usage:
Students are prohibited from using their cell phone to cheat or plagiarize; bully others; post derogatory content on social media sites; or view pornographic, vulgar or inappropriate content. Making video recordings at the Center without Center staff permission or taking unsolicited or unwelcomed photographs of students, staff, or facilities is strictly prohibited.
3. Educational Use Allowed:
Center staff may permit the use of cell phones for educational purposes, such as research or accessing learning apps, when relevant to specific homework assignments. Such usage will be guided by the Program Coordinator's discretion and subject to Center rules.
4. Respectful Communication:
In all interactions, students are expected to use their cell phones and devices in a respectful and considerate manner, refraining from any form of cyberbullying or inappropriate content, inflammatory language, harassment, sexually explicit language, racially offensive language, or the impersonation of others.
5. Emergency Situations:
In cases of emergencies, students may use their cell phones to communicate with parents or guardians. In such situations, students must inform Center staff before using their phones.
6. Responsibility and Accountability:
Students are solely responsible for the safety and security of their cell phones. The Center will not be held accountable for lost, stolen, or damaged devices.
7. Consequences of Policy Violations:
Violations of this cell phone policy will result in progressive consequences, which may include warnings, temporary confiscation, or parental involvement, depending on the severity and frequency of the violation.
We believe that maintaining a balanced approach to cell phone usage contributes to a focused and respectful learning environment. We appreciate the support of parents and guardians in reinforcing these guidelines at home to ensure the best possible educational experience for all students.
John 23 maintains a strict zero-tolerance policy towards the possession, use, or distribution of weapons on its premises. This policy ensures the safety and well-being of all students, staff, and volunteers, fostering an environment conducive to learning, collaboration, and personal growth. Any violation of this policy will result in immediate disciplinary action and potential involvement of law enforcement authorities.
John 23 Educational Center serves middle and high school students of any race, ethnic origin, gender or religious affiliation.
John XXIII Educational Center runs an Afterschool Program which offers help with homework and enrichment activities for students in 5th-12th grade Monday-Thursday from September through May. J23 also partners with local schools to provide outreach groups and academic support.
PHONE: 262-898-7250
1101 Douglas Ave, Racine WI 53402
3:00-6:30 M-Th Homework Help and Enrichment
(For an appointment outside of Center Hours, please email the Center.)
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