Our Afterschool program offers a supervised study hall, in which students can receive academic help in all subject areas, so that they can grow and thrive as life-long learners while reaching their full academic and human potential.
The Outreach Program, which is held at local middle schools, is one of the core components of John 23 Educational Center's service to the community of Racine. John 23 staff members facilitate the five-to-six-week Outreach sessions during school hours. Topics are based on the needs of the school
John 23 Educational Center offers ESL classes twice a week to John 23 parents and interested adults. ESL Instructor Claire Wagner teaches in small groups to help parents practice conversational English. A $2 donation per class is suggested to help meet the cost of learning materials.
John XXIII Educational Center runs an Afterschool Program which offers help with homework and enrichment activities for students in 5th-12th grade Monday-Thursday from September through May. J23 also partners with local schools to provide outreach groups and academic support.
PHONE: 262-898-7250
EMAIL: communication@john23center.org
1101 Douglas Ave, Racine WI 53402
3:00-6:30 M-Th Homework Help and Enrichment
(For an appointment outside of Center Hours, please email the Center.)
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